Program & Replays

Tarot and the Psychic Faculty: Compassion, Soulfulness and Grounded Wisdom

Broadcast on April 13, 2023
With Avril Price
Hosted by Dr. William Bloom

In this wise and inspiring presentation, Avril Price, the UK's leading practitioner and teacher of Tarot, takes you to the heart of this extraordinary oracle. She'll explore what being psychic means, and how you can work with that ability to heal, transform, and evolve. She'll also show you how the Tarot can be used to read individuals, groups of souls, and the world situation. She teaches that compassion and soul connectedness, with a strong dose of common sense, are the foundations of intuition and reading the Tarot. Tarot acts as a psychic trigger, allowing you to access your inherent wisdom. When you work with your intuitive abilities, you not only gain a deeper understanding of yourself, but also of the world you live in.

In this session, you’ll discover:

  • A deeper uunderstanding of the words psychic and intuitive
  • How reading Tarot symbolism works as a psychic trigger
  • The relevance of psychics in the physical world
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Avril Price

Tarot Master, Teacher & Consultant

Avril Price is the UK’s leading tarot expert and mentor. She helps people develop their psychic faculty and gain confidence in their intuitive voice. Avril is a tutor, consultant, and mentor at the College of Psychic Studies in South Kensington, London, where she’s facilitated multiple courses in spiritual studies, especially in psychic unfoldment. She’s built a thriving tarot community at the college, with an emphasis on the psycho-spiritual perspective, exploring the internal landscape, and the personal influences and trends that operate both within the esoteric and exoteric world.

Avril, who has been a tutor at the college since 2001, has been journeying with tarot for 37 years. She’s taught and consulted with thousands of people. Her life’s work has taken her to many countries, positively inspiring her to connect participants to their spirit nature and to have confidence in their intuitive capacity to live a meaningful life based on positive life choices. According to Avril, the psychic faculty is a practical tool, yet creative and inspired thinking can assist in seeing the bigger picture. Her teaching emphasis is on transformation over maintenance, with self-discovery being the ultimate spiritual breakthrough.

Avril Price