Program & Replays

Animal Communication + Multidimensional Mediumship

Broadcast on April 10, 2023
With Tricia Carr, CHt
Hosted by David Gandelman

The intuitive skills of animal communication and multidimensional mediumship can connect you to your life purpose and soul's mission. Let's join Tricia Carr as she shares how awakening to these abilities within changed her life... and saved a cat's life!

In this session, you’ll discover:

  • How animal and nature telepathy is a natural ability that anyone can tap into
  • How tuning into different dimensional frequencies for guidance can support your greatest unfolding of life
  • A short guided heart connection to an animal living or passed or to a component of nature such as a tree
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Tricia Carr, CHt

Spiritual Teacher, Hypnotherapist

Tricia Carr is a spiritual teacher, empathic channel, certified hypnotherapist, animal and nature telepath, and master multi-dimensional medium. Tricia has been guiding students and clients through spiritual awakenings, opening and advancing psychic abilities, healing trauma and crises, and aligning one's life purpose to professional satisfaction and a fulfilling life vision for over ten years. In all her work, Tricia utilizes her gifts as a Human Design Reflector 5/1 and a channel of nature and Spirit to attune clients and students to their higher purpose and soul mission.

Tricia teaches that the “unseen realms” are available to everyone for support and enrichment. Tricia supports her clients and students through hypno-healing, metaphysical and spiritual principles, and her grounded approach to esotericism and commitment to unity consciousness. In addition to her experience in teaching and client work, Tricia holds a bachelor’s degree in spiritual healing, a degree in clinical hypnotherapy, and is also an ordained metaphysical minister. In 2023, Tricia will complete her degree in mind-body psychology from HMI College of Hypnotherapy.

Tricia Carr, CHt